Friday, January 4, 2008

Its Worth Not To Live Without The Truth!

"The life consists of days which may be or may not be lived as one should Live Right!" Let me disclose you about the days i lived on this land of curse and sin. I was a boy who lived and dealt with every aspects including good and bad faces of life.I had many many friends, but in between them no real/good friend who could teach or guide me. Those Days were gone like the wind which stays just for a moment,still unknown to the consequences i was going to face one day.But no consequences of my bad/unrighteous ways reached me ever as Jesus saved me from each and every deadly consequences.My friends are imprisoned against murder case but i am saved today from those punishments which was a wages of me but God never ever let it touch or come near to me,I Today still being a sinner rejoice in His name who saved me and brought me on this platform(For That Iam thankful for the prayers of my mom,papa,Ajay and Merlin)...I can boost or challenge you if you are struggling with any problems that there is a God to redeem you.Just taste and see the flavour.Trust Him!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

May Christ always be with you. And from onwards you don't have to do any thing negative. Coz you wont get a chance everytime.
God has given you a chance make the best out of it.
Everything happens for the good.
Miss ya

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